Winter is just around the corner! As you age your ability to stay healthy and warm during the colder months can be compromised. To help you get through the winter, we’ve put together our top tips for looking after yourself.
Tips for staying Healthy
As the weather turns colder, it’s more important than ever to look after your health. Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy.
1. Ensure you have your yearly flu jab. These are free for over 50’s and change every year to target the latest flu virus.
2. Discuss taking a vitamin D supplement with your doctor. Our vitamin D levels are lower in winter as our body isn’t getting enough sunlight.
3. Drink plenty of fluids. Cups of tea are great for this as they not only keep you hydrated but also keep you warm. If you have mobility issues use a hot thermos so you don’t need to keep getting up.
4. Eat a variety of healthy foods. Try to eat 5 different vegetables and fruit a day. Also try to eat at least one cooked meal a day as this too will help to keep you warm.
5. Try to get some exercise every day. If it’s too cold outside or there’s ice and snow, exercise indoors.
Looking after your mental health
It’s not unusual to feel low during winter. Short days and long nights can certainly be taxing. Here are a few tips to help with your mental health.
1. Try to stick to a daily routine. This gives our mind some certainty and helps to build good habits.
2. If you can’t see family and friends in person, try phoning or video calling them for a chat.
3. Do something you enjoy every day. This will give you something to look forward to. Do a crossword, read a book or perhaps watch a film.
4. If you’re finding things tough, contact Age UK who may offer friendship services in your area.
Tips for keeping your house warm
Keeping your home warm will help to prevent a variety of illnesses from chilblains to hyperthermia. Here are a few tips to help for keeping your house warm this winter.
1. Close off any rooms you are not using.
2. Close windows at night to keep the cold out.
3. Close the curtains at dusk to help keep the cold out and warmth in.
4. Try to keep your house at a constant temperature. Age UK recommends the living room is 21 degrees and your bedroom at 18 degrees.
5. If you are worried about heating costs, you can get advice from Age UK about eligibility for support.
Tips for keeping yourself warm
As well as keeping the house warm, it’s important to stay warm yourself. Here are our tips to help you do that.
1. Wear lots of layers of clothing. Start with a base layer such as thermals then add layers as you need. Don’t forget warm socks and slippers to keep your feet warm and a scarf and hat for your neck and head.
2. If you’re sitting down wrap yourself in a blanket and elevate your legs so they are off the cold ground.
3. Use a hot water bottle or heat pack to keep your bed warm.
4. Drinking warm drinks regularly can help to warm you from the inside out. Try tea, warm milk, warmed squash and cups of soup.